One of my first contacts with others on the internet, who shared my interest in Daniel Day-Lewis, was a group of women on an AOL chat. They called themselves WOW!! The Woman of Wednesday. For every Wednesday night at 10pm was chat time. Among these women, was Adrienne. She would tell us about the Hawkeye doll she was making, and how she went to The Gathering in North Carolina to get a closer look at the costume, in order to replicate it as closely as possible. I would often wonder how the doll would look when finished, but I never expected the realistic, and amazing resemblence to DDL as he looked in character for Hawkeye. It is a piece of art, and beautiful beyond words. Adrienne's Hawkeye doll won the Industry Award from Doll Magazine in the year 2000. It was well deserved. Congratulations Adrienne.